Suspect fraud? For proactive inquiries or for immediate help with resolving identity theft, please call 866-273-7935 to be connected to an experienced fraud specialist at Cyberscout. For more information about our identity theft protection, click here.

LifeStages® Resources

Learn about the best ways to minimize your risk and help protect your personal information. From direct one-to-one support from our fraud specialists to written documentation and assessment tools, LifeStages offers you the ability to arm yourself with the resources you need to fight identity thieves.

Knowledge Center

Explore rich educational content including news articles, best practices, tip sheets, videos and more. Become more informed and educated on the topic of identity theft and privacy-related concerns.

ID RiskCompass

Understand your risk of falling victim to identity theft with the ID RiskCompass. This interactive assessment tool gauges your risk propensity based on responses to a series of questions. Each response is accompanied by privacy tips and best practices for securing personal information.